Have you ever noticed marks similar to these running down the walls in your bathroom and wondered what caused them??
The answer is excess moisture! If your bathroom is not properly ventilated while showering or bathing, the extra water released into the air has no where to go and can settle and condensate on the walls. Over time, this can moisture can act as a source of fuel and allow mold to establish and grow on the walls.
To prevent this moisture build up, it is recommended to run your bathroom fan when showering or taking a bath and to leave the fan on for a minimum of 30 minutes after. Opening the bathroom door or a window can also be helpful in allowing some of the moisture to escape.
If you are worried about excess moisture in your bathroom causing mold growth, call now at 813-924-4721 to schedule your Mold Assessment or visit us at: https://envirohazardtesting.com/