Genus: Scopulariopsis
Scopulariopsis is found in soil, air, plant debris, paper and damp indoor environments worldwide and has even been found in animal feathers. Several species of this mold are unique as they are non-pigmented, meaning the mature growth is white.
Up to 10% of skin and nail fungal infections are caused by Scopulariopsis brevicaulis and it is unfortunately very resistant to common antifungals used to treat these issues.
This species of mold has an interesting history as it was associated with the production of arsine gas, which can be fatal if inhaled. In the 1800’s, wallpaper was produced with arsenate-containing dyes to produce a deep green color. Scopulariopsis brevicaulis is able to colonize and consume the arsenate in the wallpaper, which produces a very toxic arsenic gas byproduct.
PICTURE SOURCE:…/scopulariopsi…